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Standard values for contents

The literature gives the following standard values :

  • oven-dry wood:
    48-50 %Carbon
    44-45 %Oxygen
    6 %Hydrogen
    0,1-0,2 %Nitrogen
    0,7-1,0 %Mineral aggregates
  • UF-glued particle boards:
    48 %Carbon
    42 %Oxygen
    6 %Hydrogen
    3 %Nitrogen
    0,6-0,8 %Mineral aggregates


The nitrogen content must not be used for the pure mathematical determination of the nitrogen oxide emission.

*WKI Publication:

"Emissions released during the combustion of wooden particle boards” 

The formation of polluting substances during combustion of particle boards depends on the completeness of the combustion. Problems of combustion engineering are discussed by results from comparative fire tests with wood and different sorts of particle board residues. 
When residues of particle board are burned completely, the environmental load is mostly not higher or barely higher than the load caused by the combustion of wood, whereas the incomplete combustion produces substances which can harm your health.
(Marutzky, R.; Schriever, E./Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff 44:185-191) 

*Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institut - German Institute for Timber Products 


According to the present legal situtation residues of particle board which are not treated with wood preservatives and which do not show any halogen organic coating or components, can be thermally used in commonly available furnaces according to the 1. and 4. BlmSchV  (= German Immission Protection Law). 
(Gießen : 08/1992)

Waste disposal of SAUERLAND Boards

SAUERLAND Board is made of natural, domestic softwood and hardened free from chlorine (without using ammonium chloride hardener). Only the nitrogen content is a bit higher which is due to the use of the UF-glue (please see opposite table). 

Residues of boards can be used thermally without any problems in furnaces ensuring a good combustion.